The parade would not be possible without the clubs of decorators. These volunteers from local (sports) clubs and societies.
The floats are decorated by hundreds of volunteers with colourful, fragrant tulips, hyacinths and daffodils. These are the decorator clubs taking part this year.
Voorhout's only football club which was founded in 1932 and has over 1000 enthusiastically active members. It is in the top 5% of amateur clubs in The Netherlands. The club has 5 pitches, two of which are artificial grass, a club house with 17 changing rooms, a large grandstand and a canteen. Decorators since 2010
H.S.V. The Flags originally started by decorating the float of ESTEC. They have been decorating the city of Haarlem's float since 1996. Decorators since 1984
Scouting troop Sawano's in Lisse was founded in 1962. After various location including attics and wooden shacks, the scouts have had their own club house since 2003. Their pack totals over 150 children/young people with 50 volunteers. Stekersvereni
Scouting troop Graaf an Lynden in Lisse was formed in 1981 after a girls' troop and boys' troop merged. While guests in Keukenhof Castle of Count and Countess van Lijnden they received their new name Scouting Graaf an Lynden in tribute to the Count who donated the ground to build a club house fifty years earlier. Children from the age of 5 are welcome to join and spend their free time in fine and fulfilling manner. Decorators since 1985
De Capo was founded in 1996 following the merger of three other music corps. With its 200 plus members it is one of the larger clubs/societies in Lisse. Since 1996 it holds practises in 't Speelkwartier building. De Capo has 4 dividions, Show band and Marching band, Majorettes, Brass band and a youth section. It also has its own music education section. De Capo has been involved in decorating floats since 1975, first for KLM then until 2012 for the IBC (Bulb Marketing Bureau). SHas been decorating since 1975
Eurokoor is an enthusiastic pop choir with approx. 85 voices. Since 2010 direction is in the skilled hands of Judith Tacken and the choir is accompanied by a professional band the EuroPacemakers. They perform at home and abroad with concerts in Austria, France, Belgium, Luxemburg and Germany and a celebration of their 15th Anniversary in The Sage and The City Hall in Newcastle U.K. Choir practise is weekly on Thursday evenings in Leiden. See for more details.
In 2013 we first decorated the Holland America Line float together with the Carnival Group The Vikings. We feel privileged to be taking part in such a prestigious event.
FC Lisse is one of the top amateur football clubs in the region and was formed in 1981 from Lisser Boys en Sportclub Lisse.The club has over 1,500 members, enthusiastic volunteers and supporters. Our motto which is the basis for all we do is S.P.O.R.T. which doesn't translate exactly into English but generallly stands for togetherness, respect, fun, development and pride.Everyone by FC Lisse has the chance to develop both as a recreational player or a more enthusiastic amateur player. With our strong youth division, a first team which plays in the third division, a growing women's team and a broad base of recreational teams, FC Lisse forms a strong community of players, trainers volunteers and supporters. We are delighted that in 2025 FC Lisse has joined the ranks of Bloemencorso Bollestreek Float Decorators.
Founded on 23rd in 1968 De Watervrienden is an active swimming club playing an important role in the community both social and sporting. The club is active in both Lisse and the surroundings. Most members join to obtain their swimming certificates which is important in The Netherlands with its abundance of open water. In addition to teaching elementary swimming skills, the club also provides aqua jogging, snorkeling and other swimming activities. There is also a competitive group swimming nationally with its base in club house Baan 6. Active as decorators since 1984
The ice club in Lisse was founded on 13th January 1891 and is therefore one of the oldest in the Bulb District. Its centenary was celebrated with a royal decoration. The club is closely connected to the people of Lisse. There is no other sport in the country that for centuries has given such pleasure as skating. Decorators since 2002
The allotment Society 'Elsgeest' was founded on 10th December 1970 by 40 enthusiastic gardeners. The whole complex encompasses 175 allotments of various shape and size, each boarded by a ditch. The pieces of land are commented by bridges and each has it own, often historical name. The current membership is approx. 250 hobbyists who cultivate vegetables, flowers and fruit and keep small animals and bees. Decorators since 2004
Scouting troop Lisser Kaninefaten has been providing a hobby for girls and boys from the age of 5 for 75 years. The troop has seven divisions which connect with the children's perception and interests. For the youngest this could be a game in the woods or a creative workshop and for the older scouts the opportunity to work on a larger project such as pioneering or abseiling or taking part in a hike. A hobby which cannot be defined by words alone. You have to experience it! Decorators since 1995
Parade group KAVB Hillegom Haarlem and environs was set up in 1995 originating from a group in Bennekbroek-Volgelenzag that had been making a float since 1958. The organising committee is composed of 5 volunteers who share the tasks.
Back in September we begin with a sketch and contact the designer. Our float is constructed by Agro-Techniek where we use carton and foil.
We look for sponsors the finance the float. Michael van Namen is our floral designer and if required we provide our own actors/extras for the parade day. All other tasks including painting and mounting the oasis is done by our volunteers.
During the build-up we work with a group of decorators who pin the flowers onto the base. Catering is also organised by our own volunteers.
The parade is our main hobby! We are well-organised and see it each year as a challenge to ensure that a colour float travels in the Bloemencorso Bollenstreek.
In 1963 a number of active members of the KAVB bulb growers association started to bulb their own float with the help of many volunteers. This resulted in a separate group dedicated entirely to building a float. This has developed into a successful concept.
Or organising committee has eight enthusiastic members who are all connected with the bulb region and have ''parade'' in their blood. The committee organises all aspects of the float from the sketch to the decorating to the actors on the float on the parade day itself. Finance is provided by the local Noordwijkerhout growers who are members of the KAVB. They pay a small percentage on top of their annual contribution to cover the costs. Group 8 of the St. Victorschool in Noordwijkerhout help annual to decorate the float by pinning on the flowers and are helped by many other volunteers making it a beautiful, colourful site.
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Music Society St. Cecilia was founded on 7th July 1919. It was originally a wind orchestra but the society now comprises a marching band, a youth orchestra and offers young children the opportunity to come into contact with and appreciate music. In the 100 years since its beginnings, St. Cecilia has grown into a club with more than 130 members in the age group 7 to 70. There are many musicians who have dedicated themselves to the society for many years both musically and as volunteers.
St. Cecilia performs both in Voorhout and elsewhere. These performances include aubades, concerts, parades and the orchestra can be asked to perform at many socially relevant Dutch events for instance at the Rememberance Day memorial. Due to its musical diversity, St. Cecilia is deeply rooted in the Voorhout community.
Hi! We are scouting troop St. Jozef Emerentiana from Noordwijkerhout
A rathre long name for an enthuisiastic group of volunteers and members. We are active all year round for our troop with fun and educational programmes each weekend for our 150 members. Weekend excursions, summer camps, exciting themes and programmes, nothing is too out of the ordinary! 2025 is the first year we will be helping during the Decoration Days. We cannot wait!
In addition to our young members, old members and friends of our scoutiing troop will also be helping with the decoration. Want to hear more about us and our activities, or willing to help us during the Decoration Days, then visit our website.