Flower Parade Photographs
See here the photos taken during the decoration days, the illuminated parade and the main parade.
Welcome to the Bloemencorso Bollenstreek flower parade - the largest spring festival in The Netherlands.
Come and enjoy this magical spring event where flowers and festival come together. Each year the parade attracts around one million visitors who are enchanted by the colourful floats and richly decorated vehicles. This annual floral extravaganza reaches a head on the Saturday when the main parade travels the 42 km route through the bulb district accompanied by joyful music, impressive floral designs and an atmosphere that awakens the senses.
Be inspired by the colours and fragrances of spring and enjoy 5 days of flowers, culture and hospitality.
Plan your visit and enjoy Bloemencorso Bollenstreek flower parade from close by!
Want to see how our floats are decorated?
Always wanted to see how its done? Come and take a look behind the scenes during the Decoration Days.
Interested in taking a look behind the scenes during the Decoration Days to see how the beautiful floats are decorated ready for the parade?
Take a look in the hall where the floats are decorated.
The Bloemencorso Bollenstreek flower parade relies on the many volunteers who are busy designing and decorating the floats with thousands if not millions of flower heads. Hyacinths are the main flowers used in the decoration process and their fragrance permeates throughout the hall.
The Decoration Hall is open for visitors to take a look behind the scenes and view the floats close by.
Fan van het Bloemencorso?
Together we want to celebrate the most spectacular spring festival by recalling stories, forging connections and diving into the traditions which surround the Bloemencorso Bollenstreek.
Fans of the parade share their most interesting stories on the page ''Portraits from the Parade''
Do you have a story to share? Via this link you can upload an image, video or pdf of your story and who knows, it may travel the world paradeportraits
Bloemencorso Bollenstreek: Een Kleurrijk Werelderfgoed
Het Bloemencorso van de Bollenstreek is een jaarlijks terugkerend evenement dat sinds 1947 plaatsvindt. Tijdens deze optocht leggen rijkelijk met voorjaarsbloemen versierde praalwagens een 42 kilometer lange route af van Noordwijk naar Haarlem. Het evenement trekt jaarlijks meer dan een miljoen bezoekers.
In 2021 is het Bloemencorso Bollenstreek bijgeschreven in de Inventaris Immaterieel Erfgoed Nederland. Deze erkenning benadrukt het culturele belang en de traditie van het corso binnen de Nederlandse samenleving.
De 78e editie van het Bloemencorso Bollenstreek vindt plaats op zaterdag 12 april 2025. De route start in Noordwijk en eindigt in Haarlem, waarbij diverse dorpen in de Duin- en Bollenstreek worden aangedaan.
In 2025, the Bloemencorso Bollenstreek flower parade will travel from Noordwijk to Haarlem on Saturday 12th April.

For all our participants the spring jitters began already back in the autumn. This is when the drawing, designing, welding and wrapping of the models commences. A team under supervision of a designer decides the theme and look of the construction and all the additional parts that make up the final float.