The Parade takes to the Road in 2022
Bloemencorso Bollenstreek will hit the road again! Fans have had to miss the annual spectacle for the last 2 spring seasons, but we are finally able to report that the parade will ride again in all its glory from Noordwijk to Haarlem on Saturday 23rd April.
In addition, the journey will carry a celebratory spring message as Bloemencorso Bollenstreek will mark its 75th year.
‘’We’re off’’ was the liberating word from Chairman Willem Heemskerk during an extraordinary Committee meeting on 8th March. “We are going to dust down the floats which have been waiting patiently in storage for two years at various growers and export companies. Several new designs have also been created. It still remains uncertain if we are able to receive visitors in the construction hall which would need current Covid-19 regulations need to be lifted. We await the outcome in expectation.”
Heemskerk zegt er trots op te zijn dat het Bloemencorso Bollenstreek voor de eerste keer zal rijden als Immaterieel Erfgoed Nederland en onder de vlag van Unesco Immaterieel Erfgoed van de Mensheid. Het bestuur en de honderden vrijwilligers willen dit uitbundig vieren met het mooiste corso ooit. Ook omdat het de 75th keer is dat het Bloemencorso gehouden wordt. ‘Ja we tellen gewoon door,’ zegt Heemskerk. ‘Want ook in 2020 en 2021 hebben wij het bloemencorso in naam en gevoel door de lente met de hele streek te vieren op een schaal die toen haalbaar was.
“We have continued to count on” according to Heemskerk, “because in 2020 and 2021 we have been able to keep the name and sentiment of the parade alive throughout the spring on a scale which was possible. The public will again be able to enjoy several of the heart-warming activities this year”. The chairman is keeping the rest of programme under wraps “We will be sharing the details on Friday 11th March with our sponsors and the most dedicated volunteers. Until then I am keeping quiet.”